90s Retro Gamer 22

Tilted Layered Candle Technique

Elevate your candles with our eye-catching pastel-inspired tilted layer candle tutorial! We’ve carefully selected a combination of delightful pastel dyes to create a cross over effect. This stunning candle is guaranteed to enhance any home decor, and you can even personalise it further by infusing your favourite fragrance oil into the wax. Explore our technique […]

90s Retro Gamer 23

5 Trending Wedding Themes: Candle Making Edition

Are you ready for wedding candle season? It’s the magical season, full of love, happiness, and celebration. From the beautiful flowers, decorations to the delicious food and drinks, weddings are a feast for the senses. If you’re looking for a unique and personalised gift for the happy couple, then making homemade candles is a great […]

90s Retro Gamer 17

How to avoid Soap Sweating

Sweating is a natural occurrence in soap making. The sweating occurs between moisture in the air and a humectant substance in the soap. In melt and pour soaps the humectant is Glycerin.  Glycerin makes the soap easy to work with and naturally draws moisture from the air onto your skin, leaving you with smooth and […]

how to make seascape melt and pour soaps

How To Make Seascape Melt and Pour Soaps

Looking to learn how to make your very own Seascrape Melt and Pour Soaps? We are thrilled to be able to share with you this exciting step-by-step guide. Please note, for this particular soap, we did not use fragrance as we were focusing on the design element. If you feel confident enough with creating an […]

summers beach gel votive candle

A Summer’s Beach Gel Votive Candle

With Summer now here, it’s the perfect time to try our beach themed gel votive candle. It will make the perfect table centre piece but there’s no need to limit yourself to a beach theme when there are so many alternatives! Ingredients Gel Wax Soy Container Wax or Paraffin Container Wax 2 containers varying in […]

summer scents linked to our favourite holiday destinations

The Summer Scents That Remind Us Of Our Favourite Holiday Destinations

Holiday dreamers in the UK have cast their vote on the scents that remind them of a specific destination around the world. With many holidaymakers postponing trips until 2021, this is leaving holiday goers to simply reminisce on their favourite scents from abroad and here at home. We asked the public via social media which […]