With so many ex Craftovator customers now looking for solutions to their candle making supply needs, we have already spoken to many to try to source the products that they were purchasing or find replacements. We are looking at bringing into stock many of the products sold by Craftovator, including fragrance oils to allow a continuity of supply for those in need. So if you have a need for a product such as craftovator’s perfumers alcohol, any of craftovator’s fragrances or candle making supplies in general get in touch or leave your email in the form below and we will try to source the product for you.
At Cosy Owl we believe that we are the ideal alternative supplier, offering unrivalled customer support, wholesale pricing, exceptional quality products, ethically sourced. If you have read craftovator’s reviews as well as ours you will know that we can easily offer you support that you need from a trusted supplier. We are trusted by thousands of customers to supply quality products on time and pride ourselves it our ability to do that.
If you have any questions or requests, please call our team on: 01376 560348 and we can help you as you can no longer get through on craftovator’s contact number, alternatively contact us on the form below and specify any products in particular that you are looking for. If you can include the fragrance name, the Craftovator code, which should start FRA and would be on the bottle label and the amount you would like to order, we can then plan on getting some orders in to support customers.
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